Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Let it snow!

We were at the cabin this weekend and it snowed, a lot! My kids were so excited. They had to play in it of course. And their dad took them on a 4 wheeler ride in it. They are crazy!! I was freezing. It is probably one of the last times we are going to be at the cabin this year. I am so sad. It went by way too fast. We took the horses down to Oakley for the winter. We are going to miss them. My dad and brothers went hunting in the blizzard, and my oldest brother Jonathan got a huge elk. He is the master elk hunter. If you have ever been to my parents house, he has shot all of the elk.I had to take a picture of the three doggies. Bella, Sophie, and Baxter, Aren't they so cute? ANyways, goodbye cabin season.


rAgE said...

i like it n______n

Andria said...

Are all of the dogs yours? Whoa. I am forgetting what snow looks like! Yeah, that is a giant elk!

colin and jana said...

No way! Only Bella. Baxter is Jared's and Sophie is April's dog.