Sunday, September 28, 2008

Congrats Tyler and Sara!!

One of Colin's good buddies got married on Friday, and he was one of the groomsmen. It was at Rose Sachs Gardens up the canyon. I didn't even know that place existed, it is so pretty! I was so proud of Colin, he looked so handsome in his outfit! Sara looked so beautiful,in her gown. I am excited for Sara and Ty, they are so perfect for each other!

Friday, September 26, 2008

No fear

The boys in our family just love creepy crawlies! EWW, I am ok as long as I don't have to hold them. But they foung this prymantis in our garage and had to hold it and let it crawl all over them. I love it, they kill spiders an everything, Connor kills them and them flushes them down the toilet. I took some pics.......enjoy, if you can handle it!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

brennan night night

This is hilarious, Brennan was trying with all his might to watch Connor's game but just couldn't stay awake!

Monday, September 15, 2008

BrEnNaN's BiRtHdAy PaRtY!

Me and Anne COlin's mom

Hanging out

Jamesyn, Isn't he adorable??

All of the kids with Grampa on a hay ride
My boys
Doing jumps on the 50, Brennan loved it
Weston and Steph

Cute Stacey taking the kids for a ride

He was so into his toys Brandon and STacey
Riley and Connor Noah, Jaxon, and Ayden

me and Steph being geeks as usual

All of the kids still in their jammies

Being crazy, those balloons kept popping and scaring the crap out of us! Scott, Colin's best friend
COlin's mom, sister and aunt, julie (faddy)
Blowing out the candles

We had Brennan's birthday party at the cabin yesterday and had a blast! Everyone else in our family has a winter birthday, so we thought we would take advantage of this nice weather and have a summer party. My parents went out of town, so we had all of Colin's family and friends up to the cabin, and rode horses, the 4 wheelers, and had a bbq. It was a lot of work, but it was way fun to have everyone come up. They were all good sports for driving an hour away from salt lake to come, I hope it was worth it! We are so glad you all came, Brennan had a riot! And he LOVES his toys to death!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby boy!


3 months
9 months
14 months
20 months

Brennan turned two today! I am so sad that my baby is growing up, and isn't really a baby anymore. It still seems like yesterday I was pregnant with him, and was hanging out in the hospital.He was such a cute little budda baby. He grew up way too fast, twice as fast as Connor. I am so glad that I am your mommy, we love you so much Brenners! Happy B-day :)

Friday, September 12, 2008



Friday, September 5, 2008


The cast collection AFter!!!!


I am so excited that Brennan finally fot his cast off! It has been 4 weeks, and I hated trying to keep his arm dry. Everytime somebody in our house takes a shower, he strips himself and has to get in too. So he usually takes at least 2 showers a day. I found that rather irritating because I had to wrap his arm in a plastic bag to try to keep it dry. When we took the cast off, I was kind of afraid of what we were going to find inside of it, or how bad it was going to smell. But it went well, and now we can just pray that no one else breaks their arm in our house! I took a picture of our little cast collection. I swear the hospital probably thinks I beat my kids or something because we make it to the emergency room at least once as year for stiches or something!