Thursday, August 19, 2010

Emergency room......again!

yucky! way too close to his eye

while he was "out"

daddy feeding him a popscicle

trying to smile for mommy

his black eye

Poor Brennan! He always gets hurt. On friday night we were at the cabin, at around 11:00 we went outside to look at the meteor showers. He got cold and came inside and started taking off his coat and tripped on the dogs bed, and smacked his head right on the handle of the dresser in our bedroom. Those things are sharp! He split his eye open and blood was gushing everywhere! I was like "Great, here we go again!" So we packed up and went to the new hospital in Park city. Since the cut is so close to his eye, they had to tranquilize the little guy. That was interesting. He got 2 big shots in his legs then went out. He looked really wierd, I hated it. But after they sewed him up, he started to wake up, and he was acting so funny. He kept pointing at Colin's forehead and saying "Eye, eye, eye" He said "daddy, you have lots of eyes!" we got back to the cabin at 2:00 in the morning. Thanks friday the 13th!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Family trip!

I was riding in style! I fell like I was in Italy lol

Gross, moss!

My parents and sister with their dog

The yucky leach that was on colin's foot

The boys

our awesome cabin

in our hot tub

Bear WOrld! It was so fun, this was an albino elk

cute guy!
this bear tried to come home with us, we would have let him too!

they had kiddie rides, the kids had a blast

the baby bears in the background

Brennan cared about Lila more than the picture being taken
now we want to add one of these cute pigs to our zoo at home, aren't they so cute?

The deer were so friendly, Connor was hugging its neck

We went to Island park with my parents last week and it was soooo fun! We floated down the snake river at Macks inn, stayed in a way nice cabin @ Ponds lodge, and went to Bear World in Rexburg Idaho on the way home. It was a short little vacation but a much needed one! Lila was so good in the car. The kids had a lot of fun

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Cute pics!

This is for you Mackenzie!


He's not quite sure about his first fishy

My boys have been little fisherman lately. Thay have caught some pretty big fish in the river at the cabin and they love it! They even like eating them for dinner.